Hello, I’m Astrologer Patrick Arundell, and here is your Astrology Overview for WC 12th January, 2015.  

All week the sparkling alliance of Mercury and Venus continue in Aquarius. Moreover they also spend the first two thirds of the week gaining extra energy from the spontaneous bringing vibes of Uranus, so if you find yourself doing something sociably on a whim, you may be surprised and delighted at how it pans out. If nothing seems to be suggested or obviously comes up, think about how you can bring extra variety into your world – especially if you feel rather stuck in any way.

Tuesday’s Quarter Moon occurs in Libra. This clashes with the Sun in Capricorn forging a backdrop for the following week. If you are someone who puts a big emphasis on fairness in your life, or holds values strongly to do with social justice, you may encounter  a heavy handed boss, an overbearing jobs worth, or just find that the country you live in has rules and regulations you find hard to relate to. If you are having an interview or applying for a job, you may need to toe the Company line if you want to snaffle the position.

Perhaps an even more testing influence is the Sun’s combination initially with Saturn and then Mars conjoins with Neptune, forging the trickster aspect bar none. With Saturn in on the act too, things get even more testing. The power of Mars is that it desires to express, be, in the moment, to enjoy instant gratification, with Neptune around, the motives or approach to achieving this can sometimes be dubious, to say the least. And with Saturn squaring both short cuts should be avoided at all costs. This is a time to be above board in how we approach things and target our energies thoughtfully and carefully. If you find yourself becoming dispirited, or disillusioned by anything, it wouldn’t be a surprise. With all the influences occurring in Mutable signs, you might want to be flexible, but not so much with the truth. For more on your personal Zodiac Sign, please watch my FREE video or visit my site: PatrickArundell.com

Article courtesy of Patrick Arundell of PatrickArundell.com

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