Hello, I’m Astrologer Patrick Arundell, and here is your Astrology Overview for WC 20th April, 2015.

Monday sees the Sun switch into Taurus, the 2nd sign of the Zodiac, with an Earth Element, and a Fixed quality. The ruling planet of Taurus, Venus, also sparkles brightly this week, but first back to Taurus. Here the Sun will  join with Mercury and Mars, which incidentally are locked in a conjunction all week. This can give plenty of oomph to any plans that we have, but especially those practical strands that need to balance ideas with drive and hard work. The 2nd House is a lot to do with values, money, foundations and anything which requires stability and tangible application. However, it will be important to remain flexible this week. Taking stubborn positions may be helpful in some situations but in others it could create clashes. With the Sun angling back in a quincunx to Saturn all this week it’s also going to be key to marshal assets shrewdly and not waste money. Extravagance should be avoided.

All week, Venus also links well to Uranus, so this should help to keeps a little more fluid, and bring a lighter more spontaneous vibe to the day. If you feel a love relationship has grown a little stale and predictable this is a good week to treat to tune into the more sensual side of life together, and re-ignite the spark of attraction you first had. Doing something completely different will help. Later in the week Venus angles brilliantly to Jupiter and this encourages us all to have fun and do all the things we enjoy to the max. Of course the trick will be to avoid doing this to the extreme. Saturday also sees a Quarter Moon in Leo, angling back to square the Sun in Taurus, a timely remember not to be too extravagant or indulge loved ones with financial help or gifts which will stop them standing on their own two feet or taking responsibility for themselves.

For more on your personal Zodiac Sign, please watch my FREE video or visit my site: PatrickArundell.com

Article courtesy of Patrick Arundell of PatrickArundell.com

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