Hello, I’m Astrologer Patrick Arundell, and here is your Astrology Overview for WC 14th September, 2015. The week begins with the potency of last Sunday's Solar Eclipse still very much to the fore. The angle it forged with Mars reminds us to tap into the exuberance and positive go getting vibe this planet has when located in Leo, especially alongside the position of the Eclipse of Virgo. In short, form and function. Jupiter also continues its journey through Virgo, and for the whole week is in opposition with Neptune. In fact, this aspect runs on until the end of September. Both these planets are the co-ruler's of Pisces, where Neptune currently resides. We are quite likely to see reports in the news on sects, cults and the like on the back of this, but this still can be an enriching time for personal development courses and self-awareness, if we are able to stay resolutely grounded, and not let Neptune create the distortion to reality, along with Jupiter's tendency to exaggerate, which this duo can create in this particular aspect.

However, back in Leo, both Venus and Mars continue to sparkle their charismatic star dust. In the case of Venus, she forges a superb alliance, continuing on from last week, with Mercury in Libra. A lighter, more sociable vibe can flow from this. Yet, just like last week, Mercury continues to be under the heavy influence of a right angle with the planet of Karma Pluto. Furthermore, from Thursday Mercury goes into a retrograde which will last for three weeks. This is the last of the three that occur each year, and as ever we need to do as much as we can possibly do to ensure our communications are crystal clear, and that we are precise around travel, legalities and contracts. However, I often think that Mercury retrograde can be an opportunity to improve and resolve glitches that are long-standing. The fairness that Mercury in Libra brings to situations, suggests that as long as dialogue remain opens, negotiations ultimately could be positive in a number of ways.
More immediately, this is going to be difficult because of the dogmatism that Pluto in right angle, creates. People with this aspect in their Natal charts often ferociously defend their ideas, and make tricky enemies. A tendency to browbeat others around to their viewpoint is particularly unattractive. So we all need to be conscious of avoiding using such tactics ourselves, but also standing firm against anyone we encounter, who tries to intimidate us.

From Wednesday to Sunday Uranus and Venus recommence their sparkling trine, because of respective retrogrades. This is a reminder to try to add extra sparkle to our dress sense, social situations, or long-standing romantic entanglements. You can also point towards meeting people unexpectedly, either in a romantic context or around business, in very surprising, random ways. Do be open to the possibilities.

Finally on Friday of this week, Saturn returns after a four-month hiatus back to the sign of Sagittarius. In general terms, this is going to put international affairs, financial markets and knowledge, very much under the global spotlight. In our own personal situation, any gaps that we have in our awareness, and skills can come under greater scrutiny in the next 2 1/4 years. Therefore this is an excellent time to be self honest, about any weaknesses we may have, and step up or absorption of new ideas and relevant information.
For more on your personal Zodiac Sign, please watch my FREE video or visit my site:PatrickArundell.com

Article courtesy of Patrick Arundell of PatrickArundell.com

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