Hello, I’m Astrologer Patrick Arundell, and here is your Astrology Overview for WC 21st December 2015. After the potent tensions of the last week or so, as we make our way into Christmas week itself there is one magical influence, a sextile between Venus and Jupiter, which can bring out the best of us all over the festive week. Tuesday also sees the Sun make its way right to the top of the solar horoscope, entering the 10th House and the sign of Capricorn. This alteration asked us all to grapple with any responsibilities, particularly in terms of last-minute arrangements, present buying and so on.

Christmas Day itself sees a Full Moon in the sign of Cancer, and this can make for a much more poignant day, when we may all feel that much more sentimental, perhaps even more emotional about the people who are not with us that we wish were.

Boxing Day however, sees Uranus begin forward motion after backtracking 5 1/2 months. Of course he has been a particularly upsetting influences recently as last week, and can be so, once more as the year comes to a close in his right angle to Pluto. Generally Uranus, going forwards is helpful and can see us less restless and unsettled.

Mars continues in the sign of Libra, which of course is in detriment, however it is an opportunity to use its fair-minded vibe here, and it does link in a positive semi-sexed way with both Venus and Jupiter.

What is more challenging is Mars's angle to Mercury in the last few days of the week. If anyone decides to be rather high and mighty in their opinions, the Mars energy here can try to take them down a peg or two.

Pleasingly, there's a gorgeous angle between the Sun and Neptune as the week comes to a close, and this asks us to concentrate on the more spiritual and traditional values of the festive season, appreciating the things that we do have, and not being quite so focused on the material side of life, but no doubt the cash register is at the sales, an online special offers will still be particularly popular as this week ends. Wishing you a very happy and peaceful Christmas.

For more on your personal Zodiac Sign, please watch my FREE video or visit my site:PatrickArundell.com

Article courtesy of Patrick Arundell of PatrickArundell.com

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