Man, those born under the sign of cancer are feeling the heat now from the 2 full moons last month.  It's because cancer is ruled by the moon so there was nowhere to hide from either craziness or having the most wonderful things happen. Hopefully, it's been a mix of both. Cancer's resilience will always seem them through to the next chapter without too many scrapes.
With a sharp mind for business, cancer is the shrewd person going over all the do's, don'ts and ifs of projects. They have a keen eye and are able to handle any problems with calmness and ease - full moon or not. They are the envy of all fire signs in their level headed approach to problems.
One of the most caring signs in the Zodiac, cancer born will go out of their way to do small things to let you know you are important to them. Like bringing you a coffee, remembering your big exam or making sure you are covered when your wallet runs low.  That 11pm call to make sure you are okay after a horrible day makes you feel good.
There is a side to cancer that is born from their simple need to know they are as important to you as you are to them.  They don't mean to drive you nuts, they just really care. Some other signs, like Aries can be driven mad by what they consider a Cancer's possessive nature.
Once upon a time, this Aries dated a Cancer man. It did not go well. It was fun and he was a really, really, really nice man.  Probably, the nicest man I have ever met. Generous to a fault with me, my family and friends. When we first met, I wasn't really interested in going out with him. He was going away on business for a week. Every morning, without fail for 10 days, my doorbell rang at 8.30 am with a very large vase of roses. On the last day there was a card that said, “Now will you go out with me.”  After a few weeks of dating, we had an enormous fight because he kept calling over and over again when I was in the shower. He was worried about me, he said.  The absolute end came when I went away for 2 weeks and came home to find my house lit up, roses everywhere, the knobs on my doors changed, new taps, my shoes were moved, there were new towels in my bathroom, my sheets were changed. My neighbor that had a key, let him come in because they thought it was sweet he wanted to surprise me. He was the one surprised when I ran around screaming that he invaded my privacy and promptly and loudly dumped him.
Now there were two schools of thought on my reaction to his that I was horrible and should have appreciated what he did. The other - that he did invade my space. After the anger diminished (took a long time) I truly believed he went over the line, but I did understand that he meant no malice and just wanted me to be happy. Before we lost touch, I even threw him an engagement party and attended his wedding.  A better friend, I could never have.
Needless to say after reading the above, the worst matches for a Cancer are Aries, Gemini and Sagittarius.  They will result in frustration on both sides and it will be very rare these pairings would work in the long term.  The best partners for Cancer are Pisces, Capricorn and Scorpio. These pairings will bring happiness to both people and allow the Cancer to show true love, without fear.
Cancer loves to surprise people and make them happy, make them smile. Simply by making a lovely dinner or making plans for a quick weekend away, their imagination is always working. They are sensitive and loving, so be careful not to hurt their feelings with careless words. Yes, I did, but you are now warned. Take what a cancer has to give and cherish it.
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Article courtesy of Patrick Arundell of

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