Hello, I’m Astrologer Patrick Arundell, and here is your Astrology Overview for WC 11th July. The week begins with the Sun, Mercury and Venus continuing in Cancer, and the expansive Jupiter maintaining its stunning angle to the transformational Pluto, where flair and inspiration are mixed with perspiration, there is so much to go for.

However, things do change on Tuesday. Why? Well firstly there is a Quarter Moon in the fair-minded Libra, but it still clashes with the Sun in Cancer, and someone around you may not be in the best of places within themselves in the next week, and you may need to provide additional support. Then again, it’s possible that two people close to you will not get along so well, and you can find yourself trying to placate both parties.

Tuesday does however see a wonderfully uplifting development as Venus glides into the star studded Leo. If you have felt more reflective of late, this really can spark something of a revival. In fact, by Thursday, Mercury joins up with Venus and the too co-operate until the end of the week, and create a great deal more sociability and desire to meet and greet.

However, the Sun is not done in the sign of Cancer, and forges to very contrasting aspects in the last half of the week. First up, and most importantly, he gets together with the potent energies of Mars, and if you are really clear and focused about what you want to achieve, you can put down some fundamental foundations with a spirited determination that can be absolutely awesome.

However, ironically, the Sun also clashes with Uranus in the second half of this week. This suggests that whatever you try to do, there may be more conservative or more radical energies or people around you, who think you should be doing something completely different to the path you have chosen.

Use the charming energies of Venus and Mercury to try to keep the dialogue bright and vibrant, and where necessary, introduce a little bit of fun and frivolity in order to sweeten a serious situation or message.

For more on your personal Zodiac Sign, please watch my FREE video or visit my site:PatrickArundell.com

Article courtesy of Patrick Arundell of PatrickArundell.com

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