Hullo, I'm Astrologer Patrick Arundell, and here is your Astrology Overview for WC 24th July 2017. The week begins with with the energy being emanated by last week's Leo New Moon still very much to the fore. This is a time to be brave about our hopes, and be determined to be heard. However with Venus and Saturn in an opposition, a pinch point could be reached in one ongoing relationship. If something really is out of kilter, this could lead to a complete end. Just as easily it's an opportunity, to have a frank discussion, clear the air, and understand where each person is really coming from.

With Mercury returning to one of its two home zones on Wednesday, in the sign of Virgo, whatever we plan or do we need to calibrate the detail of things in a very precise way. This is a good counterpoint really for all the larger-than-life energy that the Sun's combination with Mars and the Leo New Moon creates and can help to keep us grounded.

Furthermore, and ironically, Venus forges a fabulous angle to Uranus in the second half of this week and if there is a situation which does require a more radical approach or a leap of faith, this aspect can be very supportive. Yet in any relationship, if there are more possessive or clingy vibes, the Quarter Moon on Sunday, asks us to liberate ourselves from anything which is not truly generous of spirit. For more information or to watch your zodiac sign Weekly Video forecast, please see below.

Article courtesy of Patrick Arundell of

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