Hullo, I'm Astrologer Patrick Arundell, and here is your Astrology Overview for WC 21st May 2018. The week begins on Monday with the Sun powering into the bright and breezy sign of Gemini. We can all experience an increase in activity in terms of our interaction with others, be it through text messages, emails or phone calls. This is the 3rd Solar House and is very much associated with people in our everyday lives those people in our locality, the folk next door, our most familiar friends and faces and also siblings. This is an area linked with simulating new skills and techniques, and imparting ideas and knowledge of our own. It's not as philosophical as the 9th Solar House but still very buzzy. Publishing, the digital or print, is often associated with this location, so if you find yourself wanting to share thoughts you have with others, to interact more this is a great opportunity to do so. Furthermore the Sun goes on to forge a brilliant alliance with Mars. And when these two get together positively like this it can add a remarkable amount of verve and drive to whatever it is we are trying to do and achieve. The social whirl could be part of this because Mars is location in the sign of Aquarius. With both being Air signs, clearly there can be a lot of give-and-take, working collectively, and also cooperatively.
However this is challenged to some degree by the fact that Mars continues for one last week in this months long-standing right angle with Uranus, the planet of surprises. Uranus of course is now located in the earthy Taurus, which is resistant to change, and Uranus is very much the Agent Provocateur of the zodiac, keen to challenge, stimulate, rebel, and change the status quo, which Taurus energy so likes. With Aquarius also being the sign that Uranus co-rules and ironically also Fixed, if there is a situation in our world which is right for some kind of update, and we or someone close to us is resisting this, it can certainly create an awful lot of attention, and perhaps more.
Yet if there is a need to really tune into what's what's, brilliant angle between Mercury and Pluto from Thursday through to Sunday can certainly help. This is going to help us all, should we choose, to Don our Detective Mac's and use our powers of analysis to unpick the solution to any issue, concern, or scenario that requires and thoughtful brainpower.
But also in the 2nd half of this week Venus goes into an opposition with the oppressive energies of Saturn. Now, a few people recently have suggested the perhaps I share the unvarnished truth about the planets a little to raw. It is difficult. The last ten days of March and the whole of April have seen some of the most challenging planetary aspects for some years, and a lot of us have found the energy from this period tough, and unfortunately Venus's face-to-face with Saturn, is another one of those aspects which is difficult to skim around the reality of. Essentially, if there is a weak relationship in our world it really could come under pressure at this time. But no one is going to leave your or my situation who is not truly right for us. But someone we may ordinarily get on well with can seem distant at best, cool, or downright unfriendly. Then again this could point to complete end in a relationship which has been bumping along the bottom. Venus in Cancer is especially sensitive, to to be faced with the ruler of Capricorn and Saturn, and even the most well-established ties could through some kind of readjustment this week. But as ever, it's not what the planets do but how we react to them, that is the key. For more information on how this will pan out or your zodiac sign or to watch your zodiac sign Weekly Video forecast or join me at Free Daily, Weekly and Monthly Horoscopes .
Article courtesy of Patrick Arundell of Please do not duplicate, publish or modify this article in any form without express permission of the author.
Posted by: Horoscope Junkie