Hullo, I'm Astrologer Patrick Arundell, and here is your Astrology Overview for WC 28th May 2018. As a run on from last week, Venus continues to oppose Saturn on Monday, for one last day. So the week could begin on a little bit of sober note when it comes to relationship matters. Tuesday also sees a powerful Full Moon in Sagittarius, where the Sun in Gemini angles tightly to strict Saturn. This suggests that for us all, that communication is going to be key, and that as much as we may have ideas, with Saturn in the mix, which ironically the Moon forges a helpful semi-sextile too, we need to understand that what we say and feel can come under the scrutiny of the more conservative forces, standards or expectations that Capricornian energy can bring.

Fortunately, Mercury, the ruler of Gemini returns to the sign midweek and goes on to forge a brilliant angle to Mars. So if we are very clear minded about what we want to achieve, and have a well worked out strategy about how we going to go about it the chances are we can grapple with such strands with enthusiasm, verve and a lot of energy.

And subtlety does remain important at this time as the two co-regents of Pisces, Neptune located in this sign, and Jupiter in Scorpio, continue a lovely angle which urges us to embrace the more spiritual, artistic and creative potential within ourselves.

But Pluto is going to have its say before the week ends opposition with Venus. Of course last week and the start of this week Venus was being oppressed by Saturn. This aspect on the other hand can see the beguiling, coquettish energies of Venus being used in rather a seductive way, whether it is to do with power, money or even sex. So someone seems so very charming about what they want, just check out their motives and your own before agreeing to something that may seem very different looked at in the cooler more dispassionate way thereafter. For more information on how this will pan or your zodiac sign or to watch your zodiac sign Weekly Video forecast or join me at Free Daily, Weekly and Monthly Horoscopes .

Article courtesy of Patrick Arundell of

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