Hullo, I’m Astrologer Patrick Arundell, and here is your Astrology Overview for WC 8th July 2019. Monday to Thursday sees a wonderful angle between Venus and Uranus. Let’s be honest, this week DOES have some real challenges but this aspect or planetary influence is going to provide some light relief. If you meet someone for the first time it could be fun. Then again you may find yourself enjoying an entirely flirty encounter, knowing that this is just a bit of passing frippery. But if you are really fortunate, this aspect could see a surprise invitation or night out which does really sizzle with possibility. Can this prove to be a life time love or something more fleeting, well, maybe, maybe not. The main thing is to enjoy the moment.

The conjunction between Mercury and Mars in Leo can certainly be sociable, but both are squared in a harsher more challenging aspect than Venus, also by Uranus. This aspect can see us with a desire to slash out or invest without fully thinking things thru, in other words to be more impulsive. If you do like games of chance or the odd flutter, best to remind yourself of the old maxim of don’t stake what you can’t afford to lose.

This week also sees the continuing square between Jupiter and Neptune, which is great for upping the spiritual dimensions but less so for dealing with practicalities. Don’t be tempted to put anyone or anything on any kind of pedestal with this influence.

Finally, the Sun goes alongside the North Node and opposes Saturn, before stepping forwards to confront Pluto. Even if you have embraced the nurture of the Solar Eclipse of the 2nd in Cancer, this combination can see reality bite as powerful forces re-impose their authority and will.

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Article courtesy of Patrick Arundell of

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