Hello, I’m Astrologer Patrick Arundell, and here is your Astrology Overview for WC 19th January, 2015.

The week begins with the Moon going conjunct with Pluto, which will also square with Uranus. In fact Uranus and Pluto square exactly on Friday and Saturday, though the overall influence has been broadly in affect for the last couple of years. This is potentially one of the most trying of aspects and very much behind the geopolitical turbulence that has been sweeping the globe. In your own situation, the things that you don’t want to do may be those that you find yourself increasingly revolting against. Of course, we might not want to go to work, but we have to pay the bills so that can create an inner tension or resentments. Radical energies battle with more conservative forces. President Putin’s Natal Horoscope is very closely tied in with this aspect, and I think developments within Russia are a direct result of this challenging influence.

Pleasingly however, the Sun moves into Aquarius on Tuesday, and there is also a New Moon in the Water Carrier.  This along with the presence of Mercury and Venus in the Water Carrier, suggests there is a potential for greater co-operation to ensue, particularly with the Sun being “anchored” by the resolute energies of Saturn for some of the week. More challenging however, is that Mercury begins the first of its three annual rewinds on Wednesday, and Mars continues in conjunction with Neptune all week. The former asks us to ensure we are careful and precise with the details of what we can influence ourselves – written communication, emails, texts can all be areas for potential misunderstanding but equally any push for greater democracy that may come from this clustering of Aquarius energy may be challenged by the fact the modern ruler of the sign, Uranus, is itself the rebel planet. Ironically Mercury’s retrograde brings it back into a fine angle with Uranus by the weekend, so innovation may be to the fore, but I don’t think we can expect an idealistic nirvana. Mars and Neptune as I mentioned last time is a combination with the potential for trickiness, deceit and disillusion. Mars is not at its best in Pisces but we can look forward to a month’s time when it returns to its ruler Aries.

For more on your personal Zodiac Sign, please watch my FREE video or visit my site: PatrickArundell.com

Article courtesy of Patrick Arundell of PatrickArundell.com

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